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Lost Meal Break Compensation For Mission Viejo CA
If you need a dedicated and experienced employment attorney in Orange County, call Orange County Employment Law Firm. We are passionate about defending employee rights and will help you recover the money you are owed from your employer. Call today to speak to a lawyer within 24 hours. We offer free, no-obligation case evaluations and always strive for generous compensation. Because we work on a 100% contingency basis, there’s no fee unless we win your case, guaranteed!
Address: 610 Newport Center Dr. (STE 430) Newport Beach, CA 92660
Ph. No.: (949) 506-6825
Showmelocal:- https://www.showmelocal.com/profile.aspx?bid=23026919
Flype:- https://www.fyple.com/company/orange-county-employment-law-firm-yfz4n1o/
Storeboard:- https://www.storeboard.com/orangecountyemploymentlawfirm