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Relevant Hotel Laundry Service | D-Express Laundry
One of the most respected complete solution laundry in Erie, D-Express is located in the heart of the city and that is why you can feel the amazing. Founded in 2018, Erie has offered its clients comfortable laundry services that are easy to fit into their daily routines. In recent times we have been referred to as being one of the pioneers of the community.
Still as motivated as ever, d-express washes and offers services in Erie, Pennsylvania to improve the quality and ease to people’s lives. Every wash we adhere to the principles of validity, quality and convenience, and to match your specific needs, we offer a select range of services.
• Self Service Laundry
• Wash & Fold
• Pickup & Delivery
• Dry Cleaning
• Shipping & Handling
Our dedicated staff will deliver a service that will greatly exceed your expectations as long as hotel policies as well as modern technology are fully understood. That is why if you would like further information about out customized Hotel Laundry Service. Please feel free to call us at (814) 431-3785.
Connect with us:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dexpresslaundrypa/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/d.express.laundry/