

Beauty & Fitness Services

10 Mar, 2024

Steam Hair Straightener Brush, Well Mart, 03208727951

Seattle, WA


Steam Hair Straightener Brush In Pakistan | Straightening | Wellmart

About steam does not come out problems:

The fourth step is the most important:

Step 1: Inject pure water in the water tank.

Step 2: Power on setting temperature

Step 3: Rotate Setting Steam gear

Step 4: Open the closing splint 3-5 times, merged splint for 2-4 seconds, steam will appear.

How does the steam come out:

When you open the steam button, there is a bladder protruding inside the splint. When you close the splint, there is a button on the splint and the protruding air bag will transport the water from the water tank to the splint. When the temperature reaches, when you When you straighten or curl your hair, steam will appear.

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